By Jill Woller, CVS-Life, FSAVE, and Travis Godsoe, VMA
As Winter is finally losing its chilly grip, most of us are looking forward to the warmth of Spring. This is also conference season for many organizations, including SAVE International. The SAVE 2018 Value Summit next month promises both the warmth of Austin in June, and the collegial fellowship of reconnecting with colleagues or starting new relationships with more recent members of the profession.
For those readers who have not had the pleasure of attending a SAVE conference, there is a good deal of informal as well as formal learning and support that occurs. Members gather between sessions and during breaks in the schedule to pick each other’s brains, to ask advice, and to plan future collaborations. They find that the nature of the Value mindset is one that thrives on challenges, and is eager to help others solve problems.
Being among our Value peers multiplies our enthusiasm and our energy to apply our skills to issues large and small. It is infectious. Networking with our colleagues reinforces our commitment to extending the use of our Methodology more broadly.
This issue has numerous references to the upcoming Summit, and encouragement for all who can to attend. It is important for SAVE, and for our continuing professional development, true. However, it also exposes us to a group of warm, creative and smart people who are great to hang around with for a few days. In our experience, attending this Summit will refresh and renew the Value spirit within us all.