by Martyn Phillips, CVS-Life, FSAVE, FICE, FCIWEM, PVM, P.Eng. – Director of Global Affairs, SAVE International
The SAVE International 2018 Value Summit was a great success. Much of the success can be attributed to participation from 63 registrants from 15 countries (in addition to the United States). Countries represented were Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Japan, the Republic of South Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.
Before taking on the role of SAVE’s Director of Global Affairs, I was somewhat unclear about the various international relationships within the Society. In a nutshell, there are currently the categories of:
- International Affiliates – SKVM (S. Korea), VMIT (Taiwan), INVEST (India), SJVE (Japan), SHVA (Hungary), VESC (China)
- Inter-Society Agreements – DACE (Netherlands), HKIVM (Hong Kong), VAC (Canada), VDI (Germany)
- International Chapters – Gulf, Mexico, Eastern Mediterranean & Africa, Taiwan
The International Forum at the Summit was attended by representatives of most of the above. Various issues were raised and clarified, along with successes and opportunity areas identified.
We all look forward to a productive year and meeting up again at next year’s Summit in Portland, Oregon.
Please keep in touch with me through email at