2018 VAC Symposium Call for Presentation Abstracts
The 2018 Value Analysis Canada (VAC) Symposium is just around the corner. On October 17-19, 2018, value practitioners, consultants, product developers, and business and political leaders from across the country and the world will come together in Edmonton, Alberta for this year’s Symposium, themed “Value in the West”.
With the big event only a few months away, the deadline for the Symposium’s call for presentation abstracts is fast-approaching. All abstracts must be submitted by the end of July for anyone wishing to present findings from recent projects or original research. Submitted abstracts are not required to adhere to the Symposium’s theme.
This year’s conference theme will put a spotlight on the role Value Analysis has played and continues to play in the industries and governments of Western Canada. Our keynote speakers, listed below, are leading lights in the Engineering and Value Analysis worlds, and will deliver inspiring, thought-provoking messages:
- Renee L. Hoekstra, CVS, Vice President/President-Elect of SAVE International
- Dr. Simaan AbouRizk, Ph.D., P.Eng, FRSC, FCSCE, FNAC, FCAE
- Martyn Phillips, FICE, FCIWEM, FHKIVM, FSAVE, CVS-Life, P.Eng., PVM
The Symposium will be held at the Sutton Place Hotel in downtown Edmonton.
VAC is the national, non-profit society promoting best practices in Value Analysis and the Value Methodologies. Our mission is to promote the application of the Value Methodologies in Canada for the benefit of governments, industry, practitioners, and society. We are excited to bring this important event to the City of Edmonton, and we look forward to your support and participation.
For more information, please contact us at conference@valueanalysis.ca.