By David Bloxom, PE, VMA – Editor, Value World
Well…2018 is behind us and we have an exciting new year ahead of us!
I will admit, this column is short this month. As I am writing, I’m ready to spend time traveling to see friends and family over the next few weeks. I will actually be in Times Square in New York on New Year’s Eve for the ball drop. I “know a guy that knows a guy with a restaurant” where we can have dinner close to the Square and walk out at the last minute. It’s a pretty sweet deal so I will not be standing out in the cold for hours on end.
As with many SAVE International Chapter Presidents, the year end included preparing the Chapter Annual Report. It was a good look back at the year for me, reviewing all of the meeting minutes and reporting on our successes and challenges. It was also very nice to work with the Board to set up a vision for success for 2019.
This edition includes a great look ahead to the 2019 Value Summit being held June 8-11 in Portland, Oregon, USA. It will be an excellent event and I am looking forward to attending. Mike Pearsall and the rest of the Summit Planning Committee have done an outstanding job in setting things up to make the Summit a success. I hope to see you all there.
I echo Mike’s message in calling for sponsors for the Summit. Sponsorship is critical to the success of these kinds of events. For vendors and consultants, sponsorship is not just a good way to “get your name out there” – it’s also critical to help cover event costs to keep the registration fees down. The lower the registration fee, the more attendees we will have. Also, the bigger the budget SAVE has for the Summit, the more we can provide to the attendees.
I’m looking forward to the opportunity to serve SAVE as the Editor of Value World in 2019.