By Katherine Bethany, FSAVE – President, SAVE International
What a busy early January for your SAVE International Board of Directors and Certification Board. We met face to face in San Diego, CA and got a lot of things done. A great group of volunteers all pushing hard to do the best they can for SAVE and the Value Methodology.
We accomplished the goals of using the outcome of our strategic planning session to develop a list of action items for the upcoming year, and then to develop our budget around these goals. Much easier said than done. Now we are implementing all of the wonderful tasks/ideas to improve your Society and continue to market the Value Methodology.
Here are some of the highlights of things going on:
- The work on the Value Methodology Body of Knowledge is on-going but making great progress. This is so exciting and timely. Please look for upcoming articles and emails seeking your input and reviews. Please join me in thanking our Director of Education, Rob Stewart, and all the SAVE members who are working on this important task. It is not easy, but so critical.
- The Certification Board is working hard on our certification processes. They are also in need of several more volunteers to help on committees of this critical Board. If you are interested in volunteering on a committee, please contact the SAVE business office at
- Marketing & Communications is a strategic goal of the Board. Our Director of Marketing & Communication, Anthony Dunams, would welcome any assistance in this area. In this day of instant communications and multi-media, we need to tweak how to showcase the benefits of using the Value Methodology.
- Membership and chapter activities are always on-going efforts. Thank you to our Director of Membership, Jacqueline Fahmy, for coming up with new ideas and implementing them to try to improve how our chapters function and for finding ways to share success stories.
- The Director of Conferences, Mike Pearsall, and our Vice President/President Elect, Renee Hoekstra, and many others are planning a great Value Summit this year. One new item is the inclusion of more PDU’s to allow anyone who attends the Summit the opportunity to earn all that are needed for maintaining their certification. Another item that sounds much easier than it is to accomplish is all the planning and logistics that are required to make this event work. Thank you, Planning Committee!
- The Director of Global Affairs, Martyn Phillips, is working closely with our international affiliates, chapters, other value societies to make sure we all stay aligned with the latest information, standards, etc.
SAVE is always looking for volunteers! If any of the above areas, or maybe another idea for an opportunity, strike you as something you might want to work on, please contact the SAVE business office at