MVF Forum “VM Creativity Phase Tools for Maximum Innovation”

By Bruce Lenzer, CVS-Life, FSAVE, CQM/OE, CLA, CAQMSA – President, Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation

Just like prior SAVE International Value Summits, the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation (MVF) will be hosting an annual Innovation Forum. This year’s Forum will focus on the “Latest Creativity Techniques for Innovative Ideas.” It is part of the continuing series of new, innovative techniques and approaches within the Value Methodology framework, consistent with what Larry Miles encouraged in the expansion and evolution of Value Analysis/Value Engineering.

“All cost is for function. People want to eat fish not bait hook.” ~ Lawrence D. Miles

This Forum is about Creativity, which follows the function analysis phase and its use in discovering innovative ideas. The Forum will begin with a welcome from the MVF Chairman, Drew Algase. Bruce Lenzer, MVF President, will follow with an update on MVF activities and projects. Next, a presentation to stimulate discussion on how they lead to innovative ideas in projects, products and processes will be shared by Tammy Dow, Director of MVF.

Building on last year’s Forum on Function Analysis and Allocation of Resources where cost to function was modelled, an Interactive Creativity Workshop with audience participation will commence. Several members of the MVF will be on hand to help teams as needed.

Tammy will close the Forum with a brief re-cap of “What are the Benefits of the Creativity Phase?

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers.

Participants will benefit from the Forum and:

  1. Learn about Creativity Techniques to be more effective in generating ideas
  2. Determine the benefits of the Creative Phase
  3. Acquire knowledge maximizing the effectiveness of Creativity sessions

Plan on attending this year’s MVF Forum for learning more about how the Value Methodology process, tools and techniques work toward obtaining innovative solutions to solve various challenges associated with products, projects and processes.