By Sara Lenzer, Secretary, L.D. Miles Value Foundation
On June 5, 2016, the first day of the SAVE International Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation held its Annual Business Meeting and followed with the Board of Directors Meeting. Prior to the meetings, Director Mary Hart retired, leaving 13 active Directors. Eleven Directors attended the Business Meeting, in which elections for Director were held. Istvan Tarjani, President of the Society of Hungarian Value Analysts (SHVA), was elected as a new Director. Richard Harrington, Bruce Lenzer, and Jim Rains were elected for another three-year term.
At the annual business meeting, Bruce Lenzer, President, presented an annual report for which several highlights are included in this article. A complete report can be found on the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation Website,
The Foundation Board includes representation from government, academia, construction, industry, and management. To ensure mutual support and agreement between the Foundation and the professional society of SAVE International, the MVF Board requires at least one of its Directors to be a Fellow of SAVE, in addition to the current SAVE President (Mary Ann Lewis) serving as one of its Directors.
The Directors of the MVF Board are:
- Ginger Adams, CVS-L, FSAVE
- Drew Algase, CVS-L, FSAVE
- James Bolton, CVS-L, FSAVE
- Richard Harrington, CVS-L, new FSAVE
- Stephen Kirk, CVS-L, FSAVE
- Bruce Lenzer, CVS-L, FSAVE
- Jay Mandelbaum
- Javier Masini, CVS
- Donald Parker, CVS-L, FSAVE
- James Rains, CVS-L, FSAVE
- Robert Stewart, CVS-L, FSAVE
- Istvan Tarjani, CVS
- James Vickers
- Mary Ann Lewis, FSAVE
Elections for MVF Officers and Executive Committee were conducted at the MVF BOD Meeting following the Annual MVF Business Meeting.
The MVF officers of 2016/2017 are:
Chairman | Robert Stewart |
Executive Director | James Bolton |
President | Bruce Lenzer |
Vice-President Operations | Drew Algase |
Vice-President Education | Stephen Kirk |
Treasurer | James Vickers |
Secretary | Sara Lenzer |
The members of the 2016/2017 Executive Committee are:
- Chairman Robert Stewart
- Executive Director James Bolton
- President Bruce Lenzer
- Vice-President Operations Drew Algase
- Past Chairman James Rains
- Treasurer (non-voting) James Vickers
Current Activities
A joint project of the Foundation and SAVE this past year has been the creation of the Function Analysis Guide, available in print and as an E book on Soon it will also be available on the SAVE and Foundation web sites. The next endeavor will be the Facilitation Guide for the Value Practitioner.
One of the primary objectives of the Foundation is to advance the state of the art and application of the Value Methodology. To encourage this endeavor, MVF annually awards $250 for the Paper of the Year. This year’s award went to P. Arjunraj for writing “Intake Manifold in Automotive Engines.”
The Foundation has converted to digital book form several of its books, including The Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering by Larry Miles. These books are for sale on the Foundation web site and
MVF has also prepared a video tribute to Larry Miles, with interviews of people who worked or associated with Miles. This video is offered at no cost on the Foundation and SAVE web sites.
The MVF also presented a scholarship of $250 to four graduate students at Arizona State University Del E. Webb School of Construction. They were selected based on their VE study as part of the graduate course on Value Engineering taught by Stephen Kirk.
Along with these projects, the Foundation offers an educational forum each year at the SAVE International Conference. The Forum this year featured the L.D. Miles Legacy Video; VE Development through Universities, SAVE, and Industry; and Function Analysis overview and FAST examples.
MVF also continues to improve its website to promote the Value Methodology. We encourage you to check it out at