By Stephen Kirk, PhD, FAIA, CVS-Life, FSAVE, LEED AP
Upon becoming SAVE’s vice president of education about two and a half years ago, we have aggressively sought to enhance education opportunities for members. The first step was conducting a survey of membership, the SAVE BOD, the Certification BOD, and the Miles Value Foundation BOD to determine the most pressing needs. The results indicated the following:
- Create VM education opportunities that are always available at the user’s convenience
- Offer assistance in VM “core competencies” to achieve success in certification and in practice
- Focus on Function Analysis & FAST as top priority for knowledge
- Respond to strong need to improve skills in VM Facilitation
In addition, the SAVE BOD initiated a Strategic 5-Year Plan in 2015. One component is the expansion of value from the current focus to a broader, “more inclusive” concept of value. The current focus is on the Miles Value Methodology. The expanded concept is to include all Value Enhancing Methods (VEM’s).
To meet the first objective research was done to identify a web based service that could assist with e-learning on our SAVE website. Verified Learning was selected (their new name is World Continuing Education Alliance). We have been videoing various educational seminars and presentations at SAVE conferences since 2014. Other educational materials have also been added to the SAVE web site as part of our e-learning program. Currently e-learning is being updated to interface with SAVE’s new website. This training material (over 60 sessions), is available 24/7 and serves members for certification, re-certification and continuing education purposes. Credits are given based on the length of the seminar and the participant successfully passing the test given at the end of the course. The courses are being organized around the certification board list of “core competencies.”
Working with the certification board, a list of VM core competencies (CC) has been developed. Educational programs are now being organized around the CC. For example, a preconference course on cost estimating is being offered by Don Parker this year. Last year Ginger Adams offered a preconference course on Facilitation. We now have a number of function analysis training opportunities both at the conference and on e-learning. New educational materials are being developed as part of our SAVE VM Body of Knowledge to correspond to the core competencies.
You have heard much about our new Function Analysis Guide (Figure 1). It is now complete and available through Amazon. There is both a hard copy version and a soft copy version. Function analysis is considered the heart of the Value Methodology (VM). However, many people have difficulty applying its concepts and techniques to their projects, products, and processes. This book provides guidance on the process and application of function analysis, including Function Analysis System Technique (FAST), for practitioners and those who are preparing for SAVE certification.
This Guide presents instructions and examples of these techniques as part of the SAVE VMBOK for the improvement of projects, products, and processes. In addition, this Guide supports the SAVE VM Standard and the ASTM Standard E169913. The Certification Board will use this function guide as a baseline for updated certification examinations at all levels. It will also serve as a reference for those teaching the MOD I & II courses.
A follow-up to this guide is one on Function Models. These models will include Customer FAST, Function Trees, and others. This effort is a few years out.
Next is a Guide for Facilitation. A team of experts has been selected for its development. It will address much needed guidance for how to facilitate VM studies. Target completion is the SAVE conference in 2017.
Value Enhancing Methods will allow the profession to grow in many new Value related directions. VEM’s are defined as having characteristics that 1) improve at least one element of value, 2) have a defined process for at least several years, and 3) are supported by a recognized body of knowledge. Elements of value that might be improved include performance, cost, time, risk, quality, and sustainability.
The following diagram, Figure 2, illustrates the expansion of Value. Our “core” is still the Lawrence D. Miles Value Methodology and function analysis. Expanding VM to include other value enhancing methods that also add value to our customers is our new focus. This change in thinking allows us to embrace methods and techniques once thought to “compete” with VM. It also allows us to expand our knowledge in VEM’s to give us a greater set of tools to help our customers achieve best value for their projects, products, and processes (3P’s).
Our SAVE education focus has expanded to include VEM’s. See the VEM’s listed in this year’s SAVE Conference. New training courses at SAVE Conferences, on SAVE’s e-learning web site are being developed. Requirements for certification will require modification to include an understanding of VEM’s, allowing additional learning credits for certification and re-certification. The value profession will be strengthened with VEM’s and our customers will increase as they observe the expanded skills of SAVE value specialists.
The SAVE Education Road Map. Much has been accomplished but much remains to be done. Thank you for your support and encouragement as we continue to strive to meet your educational needs.
Education Opportunities for You
If you are interested in expanding your knowledge in the Value Methodology or a related Value Enhancing Method, SAVE is the right place for you. Come to SAVE Conferences, Visit the SAVE website, take e-learning courses, read our new Function Analysis Guide.
Consider presenting a paper at next year’s conference. Attend chapter meetings for learning from other value professionals. Consider being a part of our education team. Let me know your interests and your educational needs.