Editor’s Voice – October 2020

By Anthony Dunams, PE, VMA – Editor, Value World

As you can see from this issue, we are balancing interest in getting back to normal with plans to meet face-to-face (F2F) for the 2021 Value Summit as well as plans for further employing virtual workshops and virtual conferences in the future. I think this is prudent and responsible to employ the best of both paradigms as interconnectivity grows and as our chapters/branches in other countries expand and grow.

As Renee Hoekstra explains in her President’s article, the SAVE International Board of Directors decided to begin offering the virtual Value Summit every other year. There are a lot of pros and cons for this approach and I am sure the SAVE Board has weighed this to ensure the best experience for all. Just like our chapter meetings that have morphed from F2F meetings to video conferences even before COVID hit, this approach will be employed more to maximize the reach and involvement of SAVE members across the globe.

One thing that speaks to me often is our organizational growth and the future of SAVE. We as an organization need to expand and reach out further. The more papers we publish, the more interest we garner in the Value Methodology (VM). The more interest we garner, the more members that join. The more members that join, the more our members pursue Certified Value Specialist (CVS) certification. The more CVS’s we have, the more opportunities we get to drive the discussion and utilization of the VM. Instead of being over 700 active CVS’s employing and urging the use of the VM, let us become an organization of say 7,000 active CVS’s spreading the work and the usage of VM so that VM terminology and the process is well understood by the masses.

Enjoy this issue and stay safe out there.