By Anthony Dunams, PE, CVS – Editor, Value World
We are all about getting back to some degree of normalcy as of late – what a return to normalcy looks like at home, at work, at the store, at a Value Engineering (VE) workshop, etc. looks differently for all and, frankly, I am not sure we will ever get there. But are we supposed to?
The COVID pandemic impact, the concern about the war in Ukraine, and distrust of politics and politicians has created voids in our life and an empty and alone feeling in most of us. Change is inevitable – how one deals with that change is individual and personal. Your mental health is important and is somehow always overlooked. Please spend the time to recharge your soul, talk with those close to you or a specialist, and reach out to a friend and/or a colleague that you have not talked to in a while to connect with those around you. There is more in this world that ties us together then what separates us – let’s remember that more and treat those around us (and the whole world is around us) a little better than how we treated them yesterday or the day before.
For all of us that are value facilitators, human interaction is so important. The first studies that I held face-to-face were so gratifying, it was like a reunion of sort – catching up on friends and family and enjoying, in-person and real-time, dialogue and interactions.
Why am I focusing on our souls and our needs? Well SAVE International has its 2022 Value Summit this June in Arizona and I am feeling and hearing all the excitement from the SAVE Board and others about the joy of being back together in person. We want to see you there and celebrate with our colleagues, peers, and friends as well as showcase the best of what and who we are to you, but also to those around us that we want to bring into the Value Methodology (VM) fold.
With this Summit and every one that follows, we should invite individuals in industry and government to attend our Summit that would not have attended, in addition to inviting students from local colleges to attend. As Past President Renee Hoekstra used to espouse, “Say the Word and the Word is VE” – but let’s say it beyond our walls and invite in others to see what we see and what we ruminate on!
Enjoy this issue, stay safe and diligent, and the SAVE Board and the Value World team looks forward to seeing you all this June in Arizona.