By Anthony Dunams, PE, CVS – Editor, Value World
This is going to be a short and sweet Editor’s Voice. Lots of information is coming your way as we countdown to the SAVE International 2022 Value Summit. So start checking your to do’s off your list and make sure you have booked your travel, registered for the Summit, reserved your hotel room – and remember to bring your “A” game, be present and engaged during the Summit. There will be plenty of useful content to be learned and the return to in-person Value Summits will be welcoming.
On a side note, this week I was contacted by a newly certified Value Methodology Associate (VMA) who is in an organization that has no Certified Value Specialists (CVSs). She was wary of how she will get the studies under her belt to become a CVS. Why was this a concern for her? Because this person with limited Value Methodology (VM) experience knows that the VM is a powerful tool and wants to employ it as part of their practice. We had a lively discussion, put a plan in place, and will be executing that plan to have this person gain the experience they need – but the benefits are mutual. This new person to VM gets to experience the excitement and interest we have in our profession, and our profession gets another unique and excited individual to share why VM is the powerful business advisory tool that has universal appeal and applications. The more individuals with the drive and interest that join our tribe, the more people to spread the value and impact of VM.
Everyone keep the good work up in spreading the VM saga, and also reach out to the international affiliates, inter-societies and other organizations who are interested in expanding VM in various industries and practices.
Enjoy this issue and get ready for the hot times ahead in Arizona for the 2022 Value Summit!