Important 2023 Value Summit Update

By John Corcoran, PE, CVS – Director of Conferences, SAVE International

Hello, everyone!  I hope this article finds you well.  As I discussed in last month’s article, the SAVE International Value Summit planning committee was sprinting to decide on the format for the 2023 Value Summit.  A decision has been made…

The 2023 Value Summit will be 100% virtual and there will not be an in-person component.

The decision for the 2023 Value Summit to be held virtually is consistent with the direction that was in place approximately one year ago to hold in-person Summits in alternating (even-numbered) years to reduce the travel requirements for our worldwide membership.

After the success of the in-person Summit this past June and member input, the SAVE International Board of Directors considered a hybrid event in 2023 with an in-person component in addition to the planned virtual component. The thought was that the technology exists to have hybrid events moving forward. But ultimately the SAVE Executive Committee voted to have a virtual Summit in 2023, citing the short time period to develop a proper hybrid program and finding a suitable location that can provide the needed virtual component at a reasonable price.

In other news, a location has been preliminarily selected for an in-person Value Summit in 2024. Once a contract is established with a host facility, the city will be revealed.  I hope to be able to reveal the location in the next couple of months.  Believe me, if this location works out, it will be a very exciting Value Summit in 2024!

I wish you all the very best in the upcoming holiday season and the new year.  I look forward to seeing you all in person in 2024, but I hope to see you sooner.

Please stay healthy and safe!