By Laurie Dennis, PE, CVS-Life, FSAVE – Director of Certification, SAVE International Certification Advisory Panel
Change is what the value process is all about and SAVE International has decided the certification program needs to be reviewed and evaluated to make a program that best meets the needs of the value community. The SAVE Board of Directors formed the Certification Advisory Panel (CAP) November 1, 2023, with Ginger Adams, Anna Bremmer, and me to take on this task.
We will examine every aspect of the certification process and program over the next year and will update you during the process.
At this point, we are in the information phase with some function analysis. We are gathering documentation, data, and other information related to certification and defining certification. The information phase is often a time for lots of activity with little to report, much like constructing a building, spending time on a strong foundation before seeing the project come out of the ground.
So, what happens in the meantime? The current Certification Manual and processes will remain in place until any changes are implemented. Applications for certification should continue to be submitted in accordance with the current manual, and we will review new applications as expeditiously as possible. Announcements will be made prior to implementing any changes.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as the CAP moves forward.