By Laurie Dennis, PE, CVS-Life, FSAVE – Director of Certification, SAVE International Certification Advisory Panel
The SAVE International Certification Advisory Panel (CAP) continues to work on re-imagining and updating the certification program. We have examined and reviewed each aspect of the certification process and program over the past months, as we reached the mid-point of our year long process.
A Certification Forum is scheduled for Monday, June 3 during the upcoming 2024 Value Summit. The CAP will present our status and update the attendees about our activities to date and plans for the coming year. Some of the work we are doing includes updating the VMA exam to align with the VM Guide, reviewing the CVS application and exam process, reviewing the transition of the CVS exam to an online format, and evaluating the CVS renewal process.
We encourage feedback and dialog during the Certification Forum so bring us your thoughts, ideas, and comments. We will do our best to respond to any and all comments provided.
So, what happens in the meantime? The current Certification Manual and processes will remain in place until any changes are implemented. Applications for certification should continue to be submitted in accordance with the current manual, and we will review new applications as expeditiously as possible. Announcements will be made prior to implementing any changes.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as the CAP update moves forward.