Certification Forum at the SAVE 2024 Value Summit

By Laurie Dennis, PE, CVS-Life, FSAVE – Director of Certification, SAVE International Certification Advisory Panel

Thank you to all that attended the Certification Forum at the SAVE International 2024 Value Summit in Nashville, TN. I appreciate your support, thoughts, and comments; the dialog during the session helps as the Certification Advisory Panel (CAP) formulates and implements the new certification plan. The CAP continues working on re-imagining and updating the certification program, having examined and reviewed each aspect of the certification process and program over the past months.

This summer the CAP will be doing the work I mentioned, including updating the VMA exam to align with the VM Guide, reviewing the CVS application and exam process, transitioning the CVS exam to an online format, and updating the CVS renewal process.

In the meantime, the current SAVE Certification Manual and processes remain in place until any changes are implemented. Applications for certification should continue to be submitted in accordance with the current manual, and we will review new applications as expeditiously as possible. Watch for announcements prior to implementation of any changes.

As part of updating and developing the exams, we’re looking for any exam questions you might have or use during your training and teaching. Please email me at lmdennis8@gmail.com with potential exam questions. These will be reviewed and edited for use in the new exams. All entries welcome.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as the CAP moves forward.