2024 Honors & Award Recipients

By Hussien Al-Battaineh, PhD, PEng, CVS – Honors & Awards Committee Chair, SAVE International

On behalf of the SAVE International Honors & Awards Committee, I am excited to recognize the 2024 honors and award recipients:

Fellow Award
Stephen Garrett & Anita Lukose

Gordon Frank Outstanding Accomplishment in Government Award
Metropolitan Area Planning Agency & Sarpy County
I-80 Interchange Planning & Environmental Linkages Study

Alphonse J. Dell’Isola Outstanding Accomplishment in Construction Award
US National Park Service
Replace Transcanyon Water Supply Pipeline Project

Value Professional of the Year Award
Quyet La

Paper of the Year Award
Noriko Murakami
“Development of Staged Leadership Skill Development Theory through Function Analysis – Proposing an Effective Leadership Skill Development Methodology Using RCSI Theory”

Chapter Effectiveness Award
Florida Chapter

Congratulations to all of the recipients of this year’s honors and awards, and thank you to all the sponsors who nominated them!

Please visit www.value-eng.org/HonorsandAwards for more information about the SAVE Honors & Awards program.