President’s Message – January/February 2025

By Robert Stewart, CVS, FSAVE, PMP, PMI-RMP – President, SAVE International

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! 2025 promises to be a year of great change as SAVE International rolls out numerous changes and initiatives.

We are excited about the changes to the SAVE education and certification programs! Beginning January 1, the new Value Methodology Fundamentals 1A (VMF1A) and Value Methodology Fundamentals 1B (VMF1B) courses will have been adopted. The Value Methodology Associate (VMA) exam will be instituted by the end of this month and the Certified Value Specialist (CVS) exam will be implemented in the first quarter of 2025. Progress is being made on the new VMF2A and VMF2B courses and we hope to have those ready by the end of October 2025.

On May 14-15, 2025, SAVE will be hosting the U.S. Advocacy for Value (USAV) Symposium in Washington, DC. This event will be targeted on promoting the benefits of VM and advocating for its adoption within the U.S. federal government. As many of you are no doubt aware, there is a renewed interest by the incoming administration to ramp up efforts to improve the efficiency of government. VM is obviously a proven and effective tool to do this, not to mention it is already a requirement. The program will focus around outlining a “blueprint for value” and will look to leverage and showcase existing federal VM programs that have demonstrated their efficacy and educating other federal agencies concerning the development of VM programs.

Further, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has renewed SD-24, a document providing guidance to DoD components on the establishment and operation of VE Programs. Industry has expressed interest in this initiative, and we hope to have increased participation from the U.S. defense industry.

In September, SAVE International, in collaboration with the Indian Value Engineering Society (INVEST), will host the first Value Summit held outside North America. The 2025 Value Summit will be held September 15-16, 2025, at The LaLiT (an enterprise of Bharat Hotels Limited) in New Delhi, India with Benchmarking Industrial visits on September 17-18. Over 60 papers will be presented during the Summit and there will be awards for the best papers. Stay tuned for details on this historic event!

We hope that 2025 brings you great value and we look forward to seeing you all at this year’s upcoming events!