By Mary Ann Lewis, FSAVE – President, SAVE International
So, the Olympics are over, summer is a memory, school has started, and fall weather is on its way. It’s a time of change – again. And, incremental change is what you are seeing within SAVE International. Here are some of those transitions, which we hope will make a difference to you:
Value World: Dr. Muthiah Kasi of Alfred Benesch & Company has graciously accepted the role of Editor-in-Chief of Value World, and has established an editorial committee and a standard process for our monthly production. Kasi’s colleague, Jayne Hill, has worked hard this summer to give us a very professional and welcome update to our Value World look and feel. Thank you so much, Jayne! It is now easy to read, use and print – and it is very attractive. Some of these articles will also flow through to social media so you might find new relevant content on LinkedIn and Facebook, especially. Best wishes, Kasi. We encourage all of you to consider contributing new and interesting technical content, especially in the area of value methodology education as Kasi has designated this next year of Value World to education!
Function Analysis Guide: While you all now know that you can buy our new guide directly from Amazon, SAVE enables you to buy the book through our online bookstore as a single copy and at a discount for multiple copies, which is not an option through Amazon. We encourage you to make your purchases through SAVE!
SAVE International Website Transition: We are moving to a new, more interactive website, which allows individual members and our corporate members to create member profiles and more easily manage their membership information. The new website also offers our chapters their own pages and calendars, creates an online consultant’s directory, and includes many other features that will greatly increase the value of your SAVE International membership!
Conference Planning: We have brought all conference planning back “in-house”. We are pleased that our association management company, Talley Management Group (TMG), will now manage our annual Value Summit and other meetings that SAVE might sponsor. The 2017 Value Summit Planning Committee has already started work for next August in Philadelphia where we will celebrate 70 years of VE!
We thank each of our members for your commitment to SAVE International and the value profession!
Have a happy and successful September. Please let us know of your thoughts on any of these changes – we value your opinions!