Certification Forum: Updates on the New Certification Program

By Bob Rude, PE, CVS-Life – Chairman, SAVE International Certification Board

Since our last news article, the SAVE International Certification Board and their committee members have been working diligently on many facets of change for the program. The work includes new exam questions, qualifying professional development activities, new teaching materials and revisions to the certification manual. At the January 2017 meeting of the Certification Board, these new program materials will be assembled together into a draft structure of the new certification program.

Many of you who have volunteered to work with the Certification Board will now be called on to act as reviewers of these new materials. We are working diligently to address oversights and to resolve issues before they become problematic.

We have completed a comprehensive gap analysis of the old Module I and II course outlines. Numerous gaps were identified between the existing course materials and the new core competency based program. These many changes will be outlined to the membership at the 2017 Value Summit in Philadelphia.

The Certification Board is planning to offer two sessions at the 2017 Value Summit. One will be a course for current Module I and II instructors. This course will provide the instructors with new lesson plans, a set of new teaching slides and a summary of the changes in course curriculum. The other session will be a refresher course targeted for those who have taken the existing Module I and/or II courses and wish to get updated on the new materials they will need to learn before taking the VMA or CVS exam. Many of you who are currently certified may also wish to take this refresher course just to get updated on the new material.

We are also planning to take these two courses on-the-road in September 2017 for those who do not make it to the Summit in Philadelphia. One course will be located in the mid-west, and the other on the west coast.

A couple of reminders during this transition period:

  • If you own a Module I or II course that expires between June 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017, the Certification Board extended all of these expiring courses for one year. Also, no new (first time) course are being received during this same time period.
  • If your CVS is expiring, please remember that all CVS recertification requirements remain unchanged until June 1, 2017. Candidates are to continue preparing the same recertification package materials currently required. They will also pay the required recertification fee ($360 USD for SAVE members or $960 USD for non-members) as currently required.

If you have any questions, please contact the SAVE business office at info@value-eng.org.