By Mary Ann W. Lewis, FSAVE – President, SAVE International
The Value Methodology has found a respected place in many industries and many parts of the world over the past 70 years. One of those is the transportation field. The savings reported by our 50 United States to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration totaled $1.73 billion in 2014 alone. The value studies of construction projects and management processes not only improve performance and cost, but also address safety, risk, driver ease, environmental concerns and the many other issues we face daily on our roads and highways.
For many years now, SAVE International has maintained a relationship with the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) VE Technical Committee. The independent group held bi-annual conferences to discuss VE issues related to the transportation industry and to recognize the successes of their members and programs.
The Value Engineering Technical Committee was rolled into the AASHTO Program Management Committee in 2016 and VE conferences have been suspended.
SAVE International has reached out and offered membership to the AASHTO VE Technical Committee members to bring them into the SAVE community so they may join the broader value community, have a place where they can communicate through a Transportation group page on our website, participate broadly in our Value Summits and e-learning opportunities, and write and communicate in our Value World technical publication on a consistent, monthly basis.
I ask you to speak with your transportation colleagues and clients to tell them the many reasons why joining our SAVE International community will enable them to thrive as value professionals in a broad community of owners, managers, consultants and educators. It is important to expand the conversation of the Value Methodology’s usefulness as we enter a time of great change within the U.S. Government.
Thank you for your support and active participation in this outreach effort.