The Advanced Value Group (AVG) is pleased to announce the following organizational changes.
Effective June 1st, Jim Rains, CVS, FSAVE will retire as President and Owner of AVG. AVG was formed in 2000 prior to Jim’s retirement from General Motors where he worked a total of 32 years. He has trained well over one thousand people in VA/VE to become certified by SAVE International, and has facilitated thousands more in result oriented workshops and training courses. Jim was initially trained in VA/VE at General Motors in 1980. In 1995 he was elected to the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation Board of Directors, a position he still holds today. In 1998 he was elected as Executive Vice President of SAVE International and became its President for one year starting in 1999.
With this change, AVG is extremely pleased to announce that Javier Masini, CVS will take control and ownership of AVG effective the same date. His VA/VE journey began in 1999 as a trainee in Japan when he was there to focus on lean manufacturing and quality control (six sigma) techniques. His journey continued with detailed training in VA/VE that led to teaching a SAVE International Certified Module I course at the Universidad Panamerica Guadalajara Campus. He has performed numerous successful workshops around the world. Javier received his CVS in 2015. He has been active in SAVE International as a speaker and as one of the founders of the first SAVE chapter in Mexico. He has been on the Miles Value Foundation Board of Directors since 2011. Javier and his family currently reside in Goodyear, Arizona.
Please welcome Javier as he takes on this new adventure!