By Bob Rude, PE, CVS-Life – Chairman, SAVE International Certification Board
We want to highlight a perennial problem – inadequate preparation to complete the recertification process. The SAVE International Certification Board regularly receives applications that are late, fail to include the necessary documentation for the points claimed or do not meet the prescribed qualifying requirements. Not having the correct documents only results in lost time and frustration for everyone.
You literally have years to acquire the necessary qualifying events. You would be amazed at how many times the SAVE Certification Board receives “panic calls” from applicants asking what they should do at the last minute because they do not have all of the required events and documents necessary to apply for recertification.
So, “What is the first thing you should do after receiving your certification?”
- You should set up a file for recertification,
- Make a check list of what is required to meet the next recertification period,
- Develop your action plan to achieve the requirements in advance of the due date, and
- Monitor your compliance progress at least annually.
While we are moving into a new certification program in the next few months, the need to maintain recertification documents is not going away. The only change will be the type of documents you will need to maintain. So right now, find the best place to keep your file.
The new certification program will require submittal of proof of compliance every two years. When you submit your recertification application, you will be required to only fill out a sworn affidavit stating that you have indeed accomplished what you have listed.
Each year, ten percent of all applicants will be audited for compliance. If you are selected for audit, then you will be required to submit your complete package for the past two year period. As before, when the new program kicks in September 2017, you again will have “years” to complete and document your continuing education activities. So there is no excuse not to be ready for recertification.
“In September, set up your new file, make your compliance check list, develop your action plan and start monitoring your progress.”
If you have questions as we move into the new certification program, do not hesitate to contact the SAVE certification administration office at