By Bob Rude, PE, CVS-Life – Chairman, SAVE International Certification Board
Last week the SAVE International Certification Board made several presentations of the new certification program changes. The largest of these were to the International Affiliates and another to the Certification Forum. Questions were answered, comments were shared and in hind-sight the new program was well received. At this time we see the new certification materials being translated into seven other languages.
The new classes were introduced – these are Value Methodology Fundamentals I and II (VMF). VMF I replaces the old Module I and VMF II replaces Module II. Both course are 32-hours each; this is an increase in the instructional time because of the increase in competency expectations for the certification candidate.
The new program begins now, September 1, 2017. Over the next four months we will be phasing out all of the old means and methods and replacing them with the new qualification requirements, teaching materials and examinations. Included in the new program are the requirements for continuing education.
We will have a detailed listing of the new requirements posted on the SAVE International website starting September 18, 2017. These will include the details for instructors, VMA and CVS candidates. Included will be the details for the continuing education Professional Development Hours required for those who hold VMA and CVS certification.
We are also compiling a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) listing based on the many emails we have received since the close of the Summit. This will be a current document as it is updated on a regular basis.
We know that you will have many questions as we roll out this new program, and we are doing our best to anticipate everyone’s questions. In this transition time we have a number of special cases and issues. The Certification Board is not perfect, but we do listen, so please communicate with us. We appreciate your patience too! As we have said to everyone at the Summit, “We will work with you.”
Please send your questions, thoughts, etc. to the SAVE certification administration office at