By Muthiah Kasi, PE, SE, CVS-Life, FSAVE
This is my last issue serving you as the Chief Editor of Value World. I want to thank Mary Ann Lewis for trusting me with this assignment and her enthusiastic support over the past year. The job was made much simpler due to Melissa Baldwin’s organized process. Thanks Melissa.
I also want to thank our editors who helped me with editing, writing and soliciting articles. I found that it is very valuable to have a group of talented professionals to help the process.
Editorial Staff
- Greg Andrysiak
- Charles Bartlett
- Stephen Kirk
- Michael Magnuson
- Anil Mukopadhyaya
- Ryan Robinson
- David Wilson
- Mike Pearsall
- Bob Rude
- Melissa Baldwin
Graphic Designers
- Jayne Hill
- Kenneth Holt
I believe changes in leadership is healthy. By taking this assignment for one year I believed that Value World could benefit from a new perspective every year. I look forward to reading future issues under Jill Woller and Travis Godsoe. I wish both of them good luck and promise that I am always available, should they need my help.
I am ending this assignment with an interesting article. I recently interviewed three enthusiastic Value Engineers: Mary Baier, Gerard Graci and Eric Tallarita from Connecticut Department of Transportation. This was done by video conferencing between myself in Chicago and ConnDOT officials in Glastonbury, Connecticut. We got to know each other during the seven studies and exchanged our VM knowledge. Their passion, trust and commitment to the Value Methodology prompted me to do this interview. We condensed the 19 page transcript into a meaningful article that is published in this issue. You will see the real story of struggle, success, vision and commitment that is required when changing a culture. My hearty thanks go to Mary, Jerry, Eric and my colleagues Jim Fuda, Steve Drechsler, Clint Hummel and Anna Cruz for developing this article.