By Katherine Bethany – President, SAVE International
This month I have been reflecting on communications. As value professionals or users of the value methodology, we must be strong communicators. Communication is needed in all steps of the process, from gathering information to selling the final developed ideas. I wonder if we spend enough time in improving how we communicate.
The reason for my musing on communication skills is that over the last couple of weeks, I have seen examples of communication issues while conducting the business of the Society. In this day of instant communication via email, internet posts, instant messages and the like, often the meaning of the author is completely misunderstood. Readers of the messages frequently put their own bias, agenda and thoughts into the words they are reading. This is really apparent when the replying communication does not appear to be on the same subject. Which leads to the original author getting frustrated and adding additional bias, agendas, etc., such as “they are disagreeing with me” when the replying author might have completely missed the original point.
This kind of thing happens with verbal communications as well – but as facilitators, we should know how to frequently ask clarifying questions and how to ensure that all are heard. I contend that is easier to do when everyone is in the same room. It is much harder on teleconferences – as we don’t see when someone might have zoned out for a moment of the conversation and thus don’t have the ability to “bring them back to the conversation.”
I don’t know how we solve the communication issues in the fast-paced instant messaging world or teleconference meetings to get people together from a variety of locations. But I suggest that maybe we should slow down and re-read or ask for clarification on the original messages and then re-read or re-think our own replies.
And speaking of communications…
- Please monitor the SAVE International website for information of the various items, such as Certification Program changes, that SAVE is undertaking on your behalf.
- The website is a good location to find information on upcoming events too!
- Attend your local chapter events (or plan a local chapter event) so that we can continue to communicate with you on issues in your area.
- We welcome your feedback and/or assistance on our various programs, products and processes.