By Jill Woller, CVS-Life, FSAVE, and Travis Godsoe
As the new co-editors of Value World, we are both grateful for the opportunity and challenged by the responsibility to help shape the conversation around Value Methodology (VM) during the next year.
We appreciate and recognize the dedication and professionalism with which Kasi has organized and reinvigorated Value World over the past year, and understand that Melissa Baldwin has been a key participant in the success of this effort. It is gratifying that Kasi has offered to advise us as we undertake this important assignment for SAVE International, and we look forward to working with Melissa closely.
Kasi has established ongoing relationships with the SAVE Certification Board, the Miles Value Foundation and the College of Fellows, and we intend to continue to rely upon these resources to bring relevant Society news to all members.
We also intend to welcome contributions of articles that illustrate a broad range of VM applications in government, industry, education, technology, construction and management. Several members have expressed interest in offering articles and we encourage this participation. In this issue, we highlight additional insights from presenters we heard at this year’s Value Summit, such as Warren Knoles’ focus on PAVE workshops to implement change and Mark Law’s use of underlying cognitive limitations as an opportunity to apply VM to general management practices.
The 2017 Value Summit in Philadelphia, which celebrated the 70th anniversary of VE, demonstrated the energy and enthusiasm of value practitioners around the world. As our incoming leaders, Kathy Bethany and Renee Hoekstra, have urged, it is up to us to expand the awareness and use of VM. Value World can be and should be an important part of the work to deliver this message. We invite your active collaboration.