By Michael Pearsall, P.Eng., CVS, CVM, FICE, FEC – Vice President – Conferences, SAVE International
There are no limits to value in Austin and there should be no limits to the success of our 2018 Value Summit with all of us participating.
I know this is a busy time of year for most, but I am hoping you take time from your busy schedules to review our call for pre- and post-summit workshops and you have started thinking about workshops you could present.
Similar to the focus areas for paper submissions, we are looking for workshop proposals in the following core competency areas:
- VALUE METHODOLOGY (history and evolution of value methods)
- TRANSFORM INFORMATION (organize, summarize, and communicate data into structured knowledge for use by the value study team)
- TEAM FACILITATION (all phases of job plan)
- COST ANALYSIS (financial analysis, cost estimate, life cycle cost, net present value, present worth, simple payback, breakeven, return on investment)
- PRE-WORKSHOP STAGE (stakeholders’ expectations, selection of subject matter experts for VE team, gathering and distributing information, workshop logistics)
- WORKSHOP STAGE – SIX-PHASED JOB PLAN (tailor workshop phases with the necessary flexibility to the desired outcome, manage team, sell the workshop results)
- POST-WORKSHOP STAGE (activities after the workshop including assembling a draft report, collecting comments, creating a final report, and implementation of the value study recommendations)
- VALUE PROGRAM (value programs for projects, programs, agencies and organizations; how, when and where to best apply the value methodology to ensure success)
Workshops can be 4, 8 or 16 hours in duration. There is some room this year for the workshops to be proposed as either pre-summit or post-summit, so please indicate your preference for timing and duration in your proposal.
We are also looking for proposals to conduct the new 4-day (32 hour) Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 and 2 courses.
Call for Pre/Post-Summit Workshops opens December 20, 2017 and ends January 22, 2018.
Your 2018 program committee is working hard planning a great Value Summit, and now we need you to submit your papers for consideration. In the interim, we wish you all the best of the season and a happy new year.
Please plan on being in Austin, Texas June 9-12, 2018 for the 2018 Value Summit.