By Muthiah Kasi, PE, SE, CVS-Life, FSAVE
For years I used to think about new ideas for Value World. When Mary Ann asked me to take the responsibility of Editor for Value World, I realized that thinking to do a job is not the same as taking the responsibility to do it. Here I am; thrown in the water to either sink or swim. If I can get assistance I can survive. I sought help from fellow value engineers and I got it.
Steve Kirk, CVS-Life; Anil Mukhopadhyaya CVS-Life; Ryan Robinson, CVS; Michael P. Magnuson, AVS; Chuck Bartlett, AVS; and Greg Andrysiak, CVS, have agreed to help me by joining the Editorial Board. Of course I am going to rely on Melissa Baldwin, April Hiller, CVS and Mary Ann Lewis, FSAVE, to guide me.
We would like to focus on education (part of PACE) this year. Each monthly issue will cover certain features of the Job plan. We will follow the theme for each issue. However, other articles of interest are always welcome.
For example when a reader reads a theme such as FAST, he/she may be inspired and can send an article for the next issue. I will be delighted to see such enthusiastic effort. My experience and exposure are related to construction industry. Some of the Editorial board members are from manufacturing. I am hoping that authors volunteer to send articles that cover all areas of VM applications. The Guidelines for Authors are available on the SAVE International web site.
Last year, our Certification Director commented that we needed a forum where value professionals could demonstrate their unique way of applying Value Methodology. Our profession is based on thinking outside the box — we need innovation. We are looking for various Function Models that are practiced within the profession. Tell us what it is, how is it used and how it helps to arrive at new solutions.
The new Function Analysis Guide is available now in print and as an E-book on Use the guide and expand your thoughts. Articles don’t need to be a long, exciting or dramatic. Simple ideas that you come across will also interest readers.
In 1977, Tom King and his Editorial Board expressed their determination as they started the VALUE WORLD magazine. It seems that their plan is still a good one to follow. Read the entire article on the next page. Our goal is the same as it was in 1977.
“There is no merit in putting out a magazine just to put one out. No one will read poor copy. What is needed is something with ZING! Something with fire! Something relevant and useful! A magazine that Society members will want to read, re-read a second time, and put into his/her personal library for later reference.”
VALUE WORLD will reflect like a mirror, no more, no less than your input.
-Value World 1977