By Bob Rude, PE, CVS-Life – Chairman, SAVE International Certification Board
In the first part of January, the SAVE International Certification Board conducted their winter meeting. We would like to give you a brief overview of several topics and issues that were discussed.
Life Designation Finalized
First of all, and for the last time, we want to clarify the Life designation issue. Those who have been granted the Life designation may continue to use it. This applies to both CVS-Life and VMP-Life designations. In addition, Life’s will not be required to pay annual maintenance fees or acquire continuing education credits. The Certification Board does hope and encourage all Life’s to actively mentor new members and help them achieve their certification goals.
New CVS Requirements
At the 2017 Value Summit, we introduced a list of proposed changes to the requirements for becoming a new CVS. These changes have been finalized by the Certification Board and will take effect April 1, 2018. We will detail the new qualifications in the March issue of Value World and on the Certification section of the SAVE website.
New Certification Manual
A new Certification Manual is being finalized and will be posted to the Certification section of the SAVE website in mid-February. This manual details the new CVS requirements and other changes that have been made in the Certification Program.
PDU Summary List
A new detailed list of qualifying Professional Development Unit (PDU) activities is being finalize and will also be posted to the Certification section of the SAVE website in mid-February. This list will give guidance to the many qualifying PDU activities.
Updated Glossary
The SAVE Glossary of Terms and Definitions has been updated and will be posted to the SAVE website in mid-February.