By Dr.-Ing. Daniela Hein – Secretary General, The Association of German Engineers (VDI)
The Association of German Engineers (VDI) has developed one of the most important technical rule bases with VDI Standards. More than 200 new or revised VDI Standards based on the latest technical developments are published by VDI’s technical divisions every year. A set of technical regulations has been built up systematically, which contains more than 2,000 valid VDI Standards, extensively covering a broad field of technology subjects. They all follow the process described in the standard VDI 1000: consensus-based and with a public objection process. The topics range from securing loads on road vehicles to testing optical fibers up to monitoring the effects of genetically modified organisms and Value Management/Value Analysis.
All Value Engineering related German Standards, which are available in English, are now listed on the SAVE International website here Further information, like an abstract or the table of contents, is also included for each standard as is information about how to purchase the document.